std::move() Is (Not) Free

Understanding move semantics at runtime.

When I first learned of std::move(), it felt magical. We can just move objects around efficiently without dealing with pointers? Wow! So, like every C++11 newcomer, I got to work using it wherever I could, and didn’t think much more of it. Move all the things, right?

But wait, are moves really free? I don’t know if I was the only one to have that misconception, but it took me a bit to fully internalize not just how they work at the language level (this is the first thing you typically learn) but what the code is actually doing at runtime and how I should conceptualize it (spoiler: “move” isn’t really accurate).

How does std::move() work? 

There are many articles and StackOverflow posts already that explain how std::move() works and why you should use it, along with its nuances1, so I won’t go into detail here.

But as a quick refresher: you likely know that std::move() doesn’t actually move anything by itself, it just casts its argument to an rvalue (specifically an xvalue, “eXpiring” value). A simplified implementation could be something like:

template<typename T>
constexpr std::remove_reference_t<T>&& move(T&& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<std::remove_reference_t<T>&&>(t);

So it’s essentially just a glorified static_cast, but it allows the compiler to reuse the object’s internal resources and avoid a copy. std::move() is a way to tell the compiler, “I’m done with this object, so feel free to cannibalize its resources efficiently.” The object itself isn’t really ever “moved” at all; it remains at the same address and will soon be destroyed, but its resources can be efficiently reused by the new moved-to object.

Moves can be efficient 

This “cannibalizing” of internal resources is what makes moves usually more efficient than copies, specifically for objects that have heavy and dynamic internal resources, like many of the common STL data structures.

The classic example is std::vector, which of course can represent an arbitrarily large set of data, but the vector object itself (not the data it owns) is internally made up of just 3 pointers (vector start, vector end, and the end of the allocated region). Copying the vector is expensive since all the allocated data also needs to be copied, but when moving the only things that need to be copied into the new vector object are the 3 pointers – no deep copying, no new allocations.

If you’re curious, you can even see this in action by looking at the generated assembly instructions!

The story is similar for things like std::string, std::unordered_map, and likely many of the other data structures you work with.

Moves are sometimes just copies 

But what if the object doesn’t have such internal resources? Consider a struct that just has a bunch of primitive and aggregate members:

struct Pose {
    struct Quat {
        float a, b, c, d;

    float x, y, z;
    Quat q;

Unlike in the previous examples, there isn’t an internal pointer to some far-away allocated data that can be easily copied into the new object; all the data is packed into the struct itself, and can’t be magically moved. In this case the move isn’t faster than a copy – in fact, it’s basically identical at the assembly level.

So for types with no dynamic resources, moving them is equivalent to copying them2. I like to think about move semantics as being closer to a “destructive shallow copy” – they’re only more efficient when there’s depth to reuse, typically in the form of separate allocations that can have ownership transferred cheaply.

But what if you don’t want to think about it? Using std::move() on plain-old-data types usually isn’t any worse than letting the copy happen, except for one important case: copy elision.

Don’t std::move() your return values 

The details of copy elision are described elsewhere, but essentially the C++ standard allows compilers to perform copy elision under certain circumstances, some of the most common being when returning values (RVO and NRVO). Instead of constructing temporaries and copying them around, the object can be constructed directly at the final return memory location in the caller’s stack space! Notice that this entirely avoids copying or moving, so it’s strictly better than a move. And starting with C++17, RVO in particular is “guaranteed”.

However, adding an std::move() when returning forces a move and breaks the requirements for copy elision, so it’s strictly a performance hindrance when returning a local:

Geofront FindNERV() {
  Geofront geo = GetTokyo3();
  // Don't do this!
  // return std::move(geo);
  // Do this instead.
  return geo;

Removing the std::move() here will allow NRVO elision, but even if the compiler can’t elide it for some reason it will fall back to a move (not a copy), so you should almost always omit the explicit std::move().


One exception is if you’re moving-from a member field instead of a local, in which case an explicit std::move() at time of return is required to avoid a copy.

class Eva {
    ATField Consume() {
        // std::move is required here to avoid a copy.
        return std::move(field_);

    ATField field_;

  1. Nuances like move construction vs assignment, rules around const, and the valid-but-unspecified state of moved-from objects. ↩︎

  2. Hence why “move” is a bit of a misnomer. ↩︎