Surprisingly Slow NaNs

A case of unexpected performance regression.

A while ago, I had to debug a strange performance issue in an in-house engine I was using, and I was quite surprised when I discovered the cause. The tl;dr is that it involved some unexpected but innocuous-seeming NaNs that ended up tanking the performance, and not just from the fact that operations involving NaNs are much slower than finite floats on some architectures.

Story time!

The code in question was part of the movement / interaction system, and involved performing a few raycasts against the collision system to find a reference point for movement. There would be some noticable hitches / frame hiccups when this system was active, but it was relatively new code (in a relatively new codebase) so bugs and unoptimized code paths were not unexpected. In particular, I thought that this may have just been due to the raycast collision code itself – at the time, raycast acceleration had not been implemented yet, meaning we’d have to do a naive per-triangle intersection.

However, the hitching remained even after we implemented raycast acceleration (with a tile-based bounding box tree – essentially a simple BVH). After profiling it, I noticed a consistent pattern: it would hitch during the first frame after an input event, but was fine during subsequent frames while the input was still active (even though this code ran every frame). Then, if the input was released and re-activated, it’d hitch again! And the raycast was taking upwards of 24ms when it hitched, which was clearly unacceptable if we wanted to hit 60 fps.

The suspect function seemed fairly reasonable at first glance: it just traced a ray in the direction of a 3D translation, and took the shortest distance of allowable travel (a bit of a makeshift collision check). Can you spot the potential issue?

float RaycastDistance(const float3& origin, const float3& translation) {
    const auto hit = TraceRay(Ray(origin, normalize(translation)));
    return hit ? std::min(length(translation), hit.distance) : length(translation);

Hint: there’s a potential NaN in there! The translation param comes from a position delta, but that delta is 0 for the first frame of an input (the position doesn’t change when there’s no movement), and normalize(translation) divides the vector components by the length of the vector, which – you guessed it – is 0/0. Boom, NaN.

But why did this cause a performance issue instead of just giving bad output?

Looking down the control flow of the raycast code led me down to the bounding box (AABB) intersection routine, which just tests the ray against each box face / slab. It turned out that NaN’s comparison rules meant that all the early-exit tests would fail, and thus every ray-box intersection test would return a hit, resulting in a raycast intersecting with every node in the BVH. Oof!

The fix was extremely simple: just don’t attempt to raycast when the translation distance is zero.

float translation_dist = length(translation);
if (translation_dist > 0) {
    float clamped_dist = RaycastDistance(origin, translation);
    // Rest of the code...

I also added explicit NaN checks to the bounding box test code (for example, using Abseil’s DCHECK).

bool HasNaN(const float3& vec) {
    return std::isnan(vec.x) || std::isnan(vec.y) || std::isnan(vec.z);

std::optional<Hit> BoundingBox::Intersect(const Ray& ray) {

    // ... Rest of intersection code ...

Of course, this would only catch NaNs in this specific code path. It’s possible to get wider signaling when floating point operations result in NaNs or infinities using APIs like feenableexcept or _controlfp_s if you’re on Windows, but this can often result in false positives, especially if you use third party libraries that may generate NaNs in internal calls, so using these wider techniques may require a bit more finesse.