
Face reconstruction 12%.
short story, dream
June, 2022
7 min · 1370 words
Light grows inside you. But will you make it your own?
March, 2021
5 min · 892 words
The Messenger
Let Truth cut through the veil.
short story, fantasy
December, 2020
29 min · 6177 words
They shook their butts at me.
short story, dream
September, 2020
7 min · 1291 words
The Call of the Giant
Reid. Dag. Othila. Geb. Naud.
short story, fantasy
September, 2020
11 min · 2281 words
The Tower
The city is our church. The cycle is our dream. May we break Annihilation.
short story, sci-fi, dream
August, 2020
5 min · 1034 words
Amidst the Sands of the Silent Sea
The blinding light, the deafening silence. Was that memory really mine?
short story, fantasy, dream
July, 2020
6 min · 1071 words